Become A Medex Member
For the low cost of $49.99 you can join the MedEx Transportation Assoc. and unlock a world of exclusive benefits! As a MedEx Network Member, you gain access to our comprehensive suite of services, including camera systems, Business in a Box, web development, consultations, business loans, credentialing, MedEx Pay and so much more, including Medex Insurance program, coming soon! Enjoy the advantages of cutting-edge technology, tailored solutions, and unparalleled support that help you streamline operations and enhance your business. Become a member today and experience the full spectrum of MedEx's innovative NEMT services!
Advantages To Becoming
A Medex Member
Streamlined Business Processes
Back-end software that seamlessly integrates scheduling, dispatch, billing, and record-keeping, streamlining operations and reducing administrative burdens.
Enhanced Operational Efficiency
Our back-end software elevates operational efficiency by seamlessly automating processes and optimizing resource management.
Competitive Advantage
Leveraging cutting-edge technology and comprehensive support services gives members a powerful edge, enabling them to outshine competitors in the NEMT market.